Composition Notebooks

Photographic image provided courtesy of Binyamin Mellish from Pexels

Write it down.

Whatever it is - thoughts, feelings, lists, observations, stories, dates, doodles, gibberish, schedules, poetry, meditations. Write it down.

Write what matters to you.

Aloha Mahalo

Composition Notebook

This 7.25 x 9.5 inches composition notebook contains 110 blank, lined pages on white paper. It's a great notebook for kids or adults. Carry the spirit of Aloha wherever you go. Use it for school, work, travel, journaling, doodling, planning, making lists and more. It fits easily in a backpack, purse, bag.

90% of the net proceeds will be donated to Maui-based charities in support of the community rebuilding ohana after the August 2023 fires.

110 lined pages
White paper
Dimensions: 7.5 x 9.25 inches
Soft cover, matte finish


heart to heart. human to human.

Composition Notebook

This 7.25 x 9.5 inches composition notebook contains 110 blank, lined pages on white paper. It's a great notebook for kids or adults. Use it for school, work, travel, journaling, doodling, planning, making lists and more. It fits easily in a backpack, purse, tote bag.

110 lined pages
White paper
Dimensions: 7.5 x 9.25 inches
Soft cover, matte finish


Empty your mind. Fill your heart. Begin.

Graph Paper (Gridded) Notebook

This 7.25 x 9.5 inches composition notebook contains 110 blank, gridded pages on white paper. A great notebook to gift or treat yourself. Use it for school, work, travel, journaling, doodling, planning, making lists and more. It fits easily in a backpack, purse, tote bag. A lovely gift.

110 gridded pages
White paper
Dimensions: 7.5 x 9.25 inches
Soft cover, matte finish
